XMPP/Jabber Bluesky Gateway
Beta, but works for me.
Add bot
Add anything@bluesky.yerl.org to your roster. Requesting/allowing presence is not
necessary, but presence is used to indicate if the the feed is paused or not.
anything can be used to add the bot multiple times to group different subscriptions.
Send help to get some usage hints:
l - list subscriptions
s <handle> - subscribe to <handle>
u <handle> - unsubscribe from <handle>
ts <tag>,[<tag>] - subscribe to <tag>, all tags must be found
tu <tag>,[<tag>] - unsubscribe from <tag>s
https://bsky.app/profile/<handle> - subscribe to <handle>
pause - stop event delivery
unpause - resume event delivery
status - show event delivery status
color <n> - select vcard icon color with n 0-257
remove [i][t][v][e] - remove (i)mage/(t)ext/(v)ideo/(e)mbeded - eg. `remove te`
show_remove - shows the current filter configuration
Get news from your favorite news accounts
- Add jid news@bluesky.yerl.org
- (send) s @spiegel.de
- (send) s @cnn.com
- (send) remove iv (you'll get only the text part)
Get cute cat and seal images
- Add jid cuteanimals@bluesky.yerl.org
- (send) ts cute,cat
- (send) ts cute,seal
- (send) remove et (you'll get only the image/video part)
- pause/unpause will stop delivery. Posts will not be resend.
- color <n> allows you to set differente avatar colors to differentiate multiple bluesky.yerl.org accounts. The color id is inspired by https://www.ditig.com/publications/256-colors-cheat-sheet. ID 257 is the original bluesky color
Reposts are not supported since they are only referenced in the Bluesky event stream (firehose).
Only root posts (e.g. no comments) will be send.
Renamed/disabled accounts cannot be unsubscribed
join groupchat: bluesky@conference.sucksass.de